İnstitute of Graduate Studies -
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 İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Child Development (Master) (Non Thesis)

'"Family Communication" Training Conducted by IGU Addiction Prevention Coordination at Public Education Center

A seminar titled "Family Communication" was held on March 6, 2025, at Esenyurt Public Education Center Annex as part of ...

Istanbul Gelisim University
'The "Healthy Living and Protection from Addictions" Training was Conducted by the IGU Addiction Struggle Coordination

On February 18, 2025, between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM, a seminar titled "Healthy Living and Protection from Addictions" was ...

Istanbul Gelisim University
'Workshops On “Healthy Famıly And Creative Drama In Special Education” Were Organized For Educators

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences, Head of the Department of Child Development and IGU Coordinator for Combating Addiction ...

Istanbul Gelisim University
'“Frequently Asked Questions on Addictions” Workshop was Organized by IGU Coordinatorship for Combating Addiction

A workshop titled “Frequently Asked Questions in Addictions” was held on December 26, 2024 by IGU Addiction Fighting Coordination . ...

'As part of the Istanbul Parent Academies Project, a seminar titled "Parenting in the Digital Age" was held.

The seminar "Parenting in the Digital Age" was conducted by Buse Kerigan, a lecturer from Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of ...

'November 20, World Children’s Rights Day
'Awareness Training on Smoking Addiction and Lung Cancer Held

In collaboration with the Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Drug and Addiction Coordination and the Department of Child Development and Health ...

Istanbul Gelisim University
'The "Addictions and Procrastination Psychology" event was organized by the IGU Addiction Fighting Coordination

The event, held on November 4, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Tusi Conference Hall, was attended ...

Istanbul Gelisim University
'The workshop "YOU ARE NOT ALONE" was held on addiction prevention.

The "You Are Not Alone" workshop was held on the "Healthy Development" platform by the Student Dean's Office and the ...

Istanbul Gelisim University
'Lecturers from Klaipeda State University taught courses at IGU under the ERASMUS+ program.

Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Department of Child Development hosted an international event addressing the importance of emotional intelligence in early ...

Istanbul Gelisim University
'Seminar on 'The Value of Time in Quality and Healthy Living' Organized by Deputy Dean Asst. Prof. Abdullah Yüksel Barut

Our university organized a seminar titled "The Value of Time in Quality and Healthy Living" led by Vice Dean Asst. ...

Istanbul Gelisim University
'The "Child and Screen Exposure" Event was Held at the Healthy Development Platform

An event titled "Methods of Child and Screen Exposure" was held as part of the Healthy Development Platform, in collaboration ...

Istanbul Gelisim University
'The orientation training for first-year students of our university for the 2024-2025 academic year was conducted.

An orientation program was organized for first-year students starting their studies between September 23, 2024, and September 26, 2024, at ...

igü çg
'The Orientation Program for the Child Development Department Has Been Held

On September 30, 2024, with the beginning of the 2024-2025 academic year, an orientation program was held for 1st, 2nd, ...

Istanbul Gelisim University
'IGU 2024-2025 Academic Year Faculty of Health Sciences Student Orientation

The IGU 2024-2025 Academic Year Faculty of Health Sciences Student Orientation Program was held at the Gelişim Tower Campus in ...

'The "Opening Meeting at the Beginning of the Year" of Avcilar Counseling and Research Center was held at IGU

Avcilar Counseling and Research Center "Opening Meeting at the beginning of the year" was hosted by Istanbul Gelisim University with ...

'10 tips for parents whose children will start school!

The school adaptation week for preschool and primary schools start on September 2. Parents are concerned about how to manage ...

'The Department of Child Development was at the 9th International Socrates Congress!

The academics from the Department of Child Development, including the Chair of the Department, Asst. Prof. Nurten ELKİN, Lecturer Bedriye ...

'Prof. Makbule Meziyet ARI's Article was Published

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Development, Prof. Makbule Meziyet ARI's article titled 'Investigation of the ...

Istanbul Gelisim University
'21 March World Down Syndrome Day: Time to Appreciate Differences

Down syndrome is one of the most common genetic differences in humans and is a genetic condition that occurs as ...

Istanbul Gelisim University
'A Seminar on "Road to Success: School Preparation" was Held at Gökkuşağı College

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Child Development (Tr) Department Lecturer Prof. Dr. Nefise Semra ERKAN held a seminar ...

Istanbul Gelisim University
'Dr. M. Meziyet ARI conducted 6 researches.

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Development Prof. Dr. Makbule Meziyet ARI with 3 publications 'V. ...

Istanbul Gelisim University
'Creative Drama Workshop in High School Winter Academy

Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Development Lec. Buse KERİGAN conducted the 'Creative Drama Workshop' on ...

' Prof. Dr. M. Meziyet ARI was invited to the ceremony of "Loyalty to the Sycamores of Health''

Prof. Dr. Makbule Meziyet ARI, Faculty Member of Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Development, participated ...

'At Istanbul Gelişim University's Healthy Development Platform, an event on the topic of "Technology Addiction and Youth" was conducted.

The event was attended by 1st-year students and faculty members from the Vocational School's Electrical Department. The event took place ...

'"Addiction Awareness with Psychodrama" Event was Held on the Healthy Development Platform

On December 4, 2023, between 13:00 and 16:30, the "Healthy Development" platform, jointly led by Istanbul Gelişim University's Addiction Combat Coordination ...

'Assist prof.Nurten ELKIN; Emphasized the importance of preventive health services and maternal and child health during the Public Health Week

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty Member and IGU Coordinator of Combating Addiction, Public Health Specialist Assist. Prof. ...

'Online seminar on "Book Selection for Babies" was held at the 18th Bebekoloji Play Camp with e-bebek

Lecturer Buse KERİGAN, one of the lecturers of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Development, shared ...

' May 20 Child Development Day

Organized by Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Child Development Department, Child Development Department Assist. Prof. Talat SARIKAVAK, Lect. ...

igü news
'IGU is among the top 10 foundation universities in many categories!

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), advancing with the vision of "World University", continues to add to its successes with its sustainability-oriented ...

' “Technology Addiction in Adolescents”
'Adults need to heal themselves first to reduce children's anxiety

The earthquake occurred in Turkey deeply affected everyone psychologically. Traumas occurred not only in those who experienced the earthquake, but ...

'IGU is on the rise in the Webometrics World University Rankings!

Moving forward with the vision of "Research University", Istanbul Gelisim University was listed in the 2542nd place in the Webometrics ...

'Prof. Dr. N. Semra Erkan's international book chapter has been published

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Child Development Department lecturer Prof. Dr. N. Semra Erkan's book chapter entitled ''The ...

'A seminar on “Recognizing and Understanding Substance Addiction” was held by the Coordinatorship of Combating Addictions.

The event, which was held in the K Auditorium on 21.12.2022 between 14.00 and 15.30, started with the speech of ...

'The Coordinatorship of Combating Addictions Unit held the event titled "Alcohol Addiction and Treatment Approaches".

The event, in which the Dean of Health Sciences of Istanbul Gelisim University Prof. Dr. Rıfat MUTUŞ made the opening ...

'IGU Coordinatorship Against Addictions held a seminar on "Technology Addiction"

IGU Coordinatorship Against Addictions held a seminar on "Technology Addiction". The opening speech of the seminar on Technology Addiction was ...

'“World Child Rights Day Awareness” event was held
'Lec. Buse Kerigan met with Lösev Volunteer Youth at the "Benefit for Children with Leukemia" event

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Child Development Lec. Buse KERİGAN met with Lösev Volunteer Youth at ...

'IGU Unit Against Addiction Conducted Seminar
'Every year 20 November is celebrated as Child Rights Day all over the world.

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Head of Child Development Turkish Department Assist. Prof. Nurten Elkin shared on the ...

'25 November International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Public Health Specialist Assist. Prof. Nurten ELKİN shared about the “25 November International ...

'“Sustainability Meetings with Child Developers 1”

The event titled “Sustainability Meetings with Child Development Professionals 1” was hosted by Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences ...

'Orientation Meeting was Held for First Year Students of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Development

The freshman orientation meeting for Child Development students was on October 10th, 2022, between 13:00-14:00 with the contributions and attendance ...

The effects of environmental health on human health on 5 June World Environment Day
'The effects of environmental health on human health on 5 June World Environment Day

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Child Development of Head, Public Health Specialist Assistant Professor Nurten Elkin ...

ıgu news

'We Celebrate May 20 Child Development Experts Day' event organized by Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Child Development ...

“Creative Drama Workshop” was held
'“Creative Drama Workshop” was held

“Creative Drama Workshop” organized by Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Child Development and Health Awareness Club was held ...

“Montessori Materials Workshop” was held.
'“Montessori Materials Workshop” was held
The Istanbul Gelisim University takes place on the 1st rank in Turkey and 16th rank, however, globally in terms of ''Quality Education''!
'The Istanbul Gelisim University takes place on the 1st rank in Turkey and 16th rank, however, globally in terms of ''Quality Education''!

The Impact Ranking 2022 of the Times Higher Education (THE), a ranking institution for 1180 universities worldwide, has been published. ...

Asthma is an important public health problem
'Asthma is an important public health problem
 Prof. Dr. N. Semra Erkan's article was published in the journal International Progressive Education
' Prof. Dr. N. Semra Erkan's article was published in the journal International Progressive Education

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Child Development Department Prof. Dr. N. Semra Erkan's article titled "The Effects of ...

Visit to Istanbul Toy Museum with Child Development Department Students
'Visit to Istanbul Toy Museum with Child Development Department Students

Organized by Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Child Development Department, the "Visit to Istanbul Toy Museum with Child ...

Dr. Seda Erbilgin's article was published in Current Psychiatry Report.
'Dr. Seda Erbilgin's article was published in Current Psychiatry Report

Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Development faculty member Dr. Seda Erbilgin contributed as an author ...

The most effective way to facilitate the social cohesion of autistic individuals: Peer support
'The most effective way to facilitate the social cohesion of autistic individuals: Peer support

The studies, carried out in the last 20 years, put forth the fact that the prevalence of autism over the ...

Happy 2 April World Children's Books Day
'Happy 2 April World Children's Books Day

Since 1967, the birthday of Hans Christian Andersen, one of the world's greatest storytellers, has been celebrated as 'April 2 ...

Addictions are a Major Public Health Issue
'Addictions are a Major Public Health Issue

Saying "Addictions are an important public health problem", IGU SBF Head of Child Development Department Asst.Prof. Nurten ELKİN ...

"Substance Addiction" Seminar Organized by Child Development Department
'"Substance Addiction" Seminar Organized by Child Development Department

Regarding substance addiction in addictions, which is an important mental health problem, Dr. Başak Ünübol gave a seminar to the ...

The child, who is self-confident and feels on firm ground, becomes more successful in examinations
'The child, who is self-confident and feels on firm ground, becomes more successful in examinations

The applications for the examinations for the YKS (Higher Education İnstitutions) have already started. It has been announced previously that ...

Hearing loss at a proportion of 2 % was determined among the children of 2-14 age groups in Turkey
'Hearing loss at a proportion of 2 % was determined among the children of 2-14 age groups in Turkey

The Academic Member, Dr. Nurten Küçük, of the Audiology Department of the Vocational School of Health Sciences of the Istanbul ...

igü news
'Repec "Academic Publication Performance" rankings announced: Istanbul Gelisim University is in the top 25%!

According to the rankings made by Repec (Research Papers in Economics) based on "academic publication performance", the results for December ...

igü news
'Winner of the 'Best Academic Researcher' award is from Turkey

The ASDF Global Awards, organized by the Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculty (ASDF), an international non-profit organization focused on ...

'Additions to the Covid-19 Guidelines

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Child Development faculty member Assist. Prof. Dr. Nurten ELKİN shared ...


Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Department of Child Development faculty member Assist. Prof. Dr. Nurten ELKİN ...

February 4, World Cancer Day
'February 4, World Cancer Day

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Department of Child Development faculty member Assist. Prof. Dr. Nurten ELKİN ...

Technology leads children to lack of contact with their environment
'Technology leads children to lack of contact with their environment

Stating that the abuse of technology has many negative effects on children in psychological, physical, cognitive and social areas, Lect. ...

igü news
'Gambling Disorder

Assistant Professor Mehmet Oğuzhan KILINÇEL,a faculty member of Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Health Sciences Faculty (HSF) Department of Child Development, ...

igü news
'Another success in university rankings

SCIMAGO has announced the 2021 world university ranking list. In the world ranking, Istanbul Gelisim University is ranked to be ...

''Violence Against Women' event

Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Development on 30.11.2021, Psychiatrist Arzu ERKAN YÜCE and our ...

igü news
'Self Perception in Children

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Department of Child Development Lecturer Selma Özuslu Ünal said '' Self-esteem ...

igü news

Public Health expert at Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences. Dr. Nurten Elkin's article about quality of life ...

igü news
'The event was held as UNESCO's International Day Against Violence, Bullying and Cyberbullying at School.

The event organized by Istanbul Gelişim University Faculty of Health Sciences Child Development (Tr) Department on 04.11.2021 on "Peer Violence ...

igü news
'Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Child Development Department faculty member Dr. Deniz Yıldız, a member of ...

İgü haber
'Play therapy training continues in Diyarbakır

In cooperation with Diyarbakır Ergani Guidance and Research Center and Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), trainings called 'Filial Therapy', which developed ...

Gelisim News
'Psychological impact of vaccination: 20 percent reduction in depression and anxiety disorders

Studies have shown that depressive mood and anxiety disorders, which occur in the pandemic, are reduced by 4 to 20 ...

Gelisim News
'Sector leaders meet at this event

Leading representatives of the industry are coming together at the "Come and Tell About My Job" event. The event, which ...

igü haber
'International Day of the Girl Child

Assistant professor Talat Sarıkavak, a faculty member of Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences, said that gender inequality ...

Gelisim News
'Play therapy training continues in Diyarbakır

In cooperation with Diyarbakır Ergani Guidance and Research Center and Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), trainings called 'Filial Therapy', which developed ...

Gelisim News
'Treating children with play therapy will be taught

In cooperation with Bursa Provincial Directorate of National Education and Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), a training called "Working with Children ...

Gelisim News
'“Play Therapy Training” to be given in Mardin

Child Centered Play Therapy Training is organized in cooperation with Artuklu Mardin Guidance and Research Center and Istanbul Gelisim University ...

World Children's Day
'World Children's Day

IGU FHS Department of Child Development faculty member Assist. Prof. Dr. Nurten ELKİN shared some information about the World ...

igü news
'Turkish scientist invited to G20

Asst. Prof. Asiye Karakullukçu has been invited to the upcoming “G20 Innovation League” initiative, which will take place in Sorrento ...

Warning from experts: Protect your child’s immunity
'Warning from experts: Protect your child’s immunity

Expressing that with the start of face-to-face education, protecting the immune system in children gains more importance, Quality Life Specialist ...

Life Quality
'Quality Life with a Public Health Perspective; Quality of Life

IGU Faculty of Health Sciences faculty member Public Health specialist Assist. Prof. Dr. Nurten ELKİN explained the quality of life ...

Environment and Health Interaction
'Environment and Health Interaction

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Department of Child Development faculty member Assist. Prof. Dr. Nurten ELKİN ...

Gelişim Haber
'Beware of food poisoning, it can result in death

Stating that especially babies, children, pregnant women, the elderly and individuals with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to food-borne ...

Food Poisoning
'An Important Public Health Problem of The Summer: Food Poisoning

IGU Faculty of Health Sciences, Public Health Specialist Assist. Prof. Dr. Nurten ELKİN said that "Food poisoning is an important ...

Food Poisining
'An Important Public Health Problem of The Summer: Food Poisoning

IGU Faculty of Health Sciences, Public Health Specialist Assist. Prof. Dr. Nurten ELKİN said that "Food poisoning is an important ...

Swimming Pools and Health
'Swimming Pools and Health

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Department of Child Development faculty member Assist. Prof. Dr. Nurten ELKİN, ...

Results of the research on young people announced
'Results of the research on young people announced

The result of the research conducted to reveal the social, economic and political preferences of young people between the ages ...

The Responsive Classroom Approach
'The Responsive Classroom Approach

The Responsive Classroom Approach was developed in 1991 by educators at the Northeast Foundation for Children (NEFC). The approach fuses ...

Cinsel Sağlık

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Department of Child Development faculty member Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Oğuzhan ...


Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) member Assist. Prof. Dr. Nurten ELKİN shared some information about harmful ...

Neglect and Abuse Against Children
'“Education Is the Foremost Thing to Be Done In Order To Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect”

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Department of Child Development faculty member Assist. Prof. Dr. Deniz YILDIZ ...

Half of the vegetables in restaurants go to waste
'Half of the vegetables in restaurants go to waste

In a study on the identification of food waste, it has been revealed that 68 percent of vegetables in restaurants ...

It is possible to manage body image anxiety
'It is possible to manage body image anxiety

Many people who got stuck at their homes due to the coronavirus epidemic began to experience mental difficulties related to ...

igü news
'Child Health Conference held during the Pandemic Process

On 17.06.2021, a faculty member of the Turkish Department of Child Development, Dr. Elif ERDEM ÖZCAN made a conference presentation ...

igü news
'Event on "Covid-19 Pandemic and Vaccine" was held

The online event titled "Covid-19 Pandemic and Vaccine" organized together with Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) ...

“Managing the excitement before YKS is vital”
'“Managing the excitement before YKS is vital”

Counseling Specialist Elif Aluç Gülşen said, “With the thought of the exam, which will become more concrete with the announcement ...

The number of child workers has increased by 8.4 million in the last 4 years to 160 million
'The number of child workers has increased by 8.4 million in the last 4 years to 160 million

According to the “Child Labour: 2020 Global Forecasts, Trends and The Road Ahead” report published by the International Labor Organization ...

igü news
'Pay attention to the time children spend in front of the screen

The digitalization process triggered by the Covid-19 epidemic, which has affected the entire world, directly affects parents, who are the ...

6th Middle East Symposium was held at IGU
'6th Middle East Symposium was held at IGU

Organized for the 6th time by Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), the International Middle East Symposium has come to an end. ...

igü haber
'May 31, World No Tobacco Day

On May 31 -No Tobacco Day- Public Health Specialist Assist. Prof. Dr. Nurten ELKİN, shared information about the importance of ...

IGU is the university patent champion
'IGU is the university patent champion

Patent Effect announced Turkey's 2020 patent report. It has been reported that Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) became the university patent ...

“Why do I want to be a Child Development Specialist?” has been presented to attenders by Prof. Dr. William Mosier.
'“Why do I want to be a Child Development Specialist?” has been presented to attenders by Prof. Dr. William Mosier.

Prof. Dr. William Mosier member of Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Child Development, answered the question, ...

igü news
'"Path to Success: Preparing for School"

The conversation titled "Path to Success: Preparing for School" which was organized by Hacettepe University Child Development and Education Department ...

igü news
'“The Effect of Parental Attitudes on Adolescents”

A seminar on "The Effect of Parental Attitudes on Children in Adolescence Period" was held for the parents of Çatalca ...

This time “Social Imperative Project” from the students
'This time “Social Imperative Project” from the students

University students announced that they have started a project to draw attention to the issue of digital addiction. It is ...

igü news
'Entrepreneur Mothers Academy Social Responsibility Project begins

It has been announced that the “Entrepreneurial Mothers Academy Social Responsibility Project”, organized by Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) School of ...

igü haber
'Family Counselling

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (SBF) Child Development (TR) Department Head Dr. Nurten Elkin said, "It is ...

igü news
'The book entitled Child Development was translated

A part of the 14th edition of John W. Santrock's book Child Development was published by Prof. Dr. It was ...

Another effect of the coronavirus revealed: Early puberty
'Another effect of the coronavirus revealed: Early puberty

According to a research conducted by scientists in Italy, the cases of early adolescence have increased in children during the ...

igü news
'"Mother's Day Gathering Event" was held.

From Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Development (TR) Instructors, Buse KERİGAN celebrated Mother's Day by ...

igü news
'"Full closure will further increase depression in children and adolescents"

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist in Istanbul Gelisim University Psychology Department Assoc. Prof. Canan Tanıdır indicates that children and adolescents ...

igü news
''Pandemic Coping Strategies Workshop' was held

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (SHF) Child Development Department Lecturer Specialist Psychologist Selin Kalabaş held the 'Strategies ...

igü news
'The Importance of Occupational Health and Safety in Preventive Health

May 4 -10 is celebrated as the week of Occupational Safety and Assist. Prof. Dr. Nurten ELKİN emphasized the importance ...

When to pull out wisdom teeth?
'When to pull out wisdom teeth?

Drawing attention to the problems caused by wisdom teeth, the third molar tooth that usually develops before the age of ...

"Balance resting and being active during the lockdown"
'"Balance resting and being active during the lockdown"

Stating that the full closure may result in various health problems in many people as a result of being inactive ...

igü news
'Parents received training on domestic violence

Head of Department of Child Development (English), Faculty of Health Sciences, Istanbul Gelisim University, Assoc. Dr. Ebru KOLSAL, Dr. ...

igü news
'Health literacy in the pandemic process

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences Child Development (Tr) Department Head Dr. Nurten Elkin attended the 5th INTERNATIONAL ...

igü news
'The presentation of ''Identification and Assessment of Child" was made.

Prof. Dr. M. Meziyet ARI from Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Child Development Department gave a presentation titled ...

igü news
'Community health is protected by vaccines

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (SBF) Child Development (Tr) Department Head Dr. Nurten Elkin said, "The development ...

igü news
'April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day meeting took place

From Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Development, Lec. Buse Kerigan celebrated April 23 National Sovereignty ...

igü news
'The book chapter titled "Basic Concepts of Family and Family Education" has been published

In the book section titled "Basic Concepts of Family and Family Education", Prof. Dr. Nefise Semra Erkan shared her thoughts ...

igü news
'World universities were ranked according to their "Power of Impact": Istanbul Gelisim University has ranked 24th in Quality Education!

An organization ranking and evaluating world universities, Times Higher Education’s (THE) Impact Ranking 2021 results have been announced. In the ...


Held with different themes each year by Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Fine Arts, Design Festival will be organized ...

IGU establishes technology classes in village schools
'IGU establishes technology classes in village schools
igü news
'“Tantrums are a way to express disappointment in children”

Stating that a tantrum is one of the most disturbing things parents face in children, American Professor William Moiser says, ...

igü news
'It was accepted as Health Week between 7-13 April.

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (SBF) Child Development (TR) Department Head Assist.Prof.Dr. Nurten Elkin “United Nations Organization ...

igü news
''Technology Addiction During Pandemic Period' seminar was held

Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Development, Assist.Prof.Dr. Deniz YILDIZ, a member of Kadıköy Kazım İşmen ...

90 percent of cancer-causing factors are environmental
'90 percent of cancer-causing factors are environmental

Public Health Specialist Dr. Nurten Elkin stated that cancer is the second cause of death in the World as well ...

igü news
'Report On Health Literacy Published: It Increases Health Costs and Chronic Diseases

With "Turkey's Health Literacy Levels and Related Factors Survey" which was conducted over 6 thousand 228 households by Directorate General ...

Noise-induced hearing loss can be prevented, but there is no cure
'Noise-induced hearing loss can be prevented, but there is no cure

Emphasizing that noise is the cause of hearing loss, which is the most common among occupational diseases, Expert Audiologist Hilal ...

igü news
'They will contribute to the education of girls with the exhibition

Exhibition titled “Gel Gözüm Gör İstanbul’u” (See the beauty of Istanbul), developed as a social responsibility project, has been opened ...

igü news
'Cancer is an important public health problem in our country and in the world.

Head of Department of Child Development (Tr), Faculty of Health Sciences, Istanbul Gelisim University Assist.Prof.Dr. NURTEN ELKİN said, “Cancer is ...

'Burnout syndrome' in parents seen the least in Turkey
''Burnout syndrome' in parents seen the least in Turkey

According to research conducted in Belgium in western societies where individualism foreground between parents, 'burnout syndrome' is seen quite high, ...

igü news
'1 in 4 children are exposed to cyberbullying

Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Health Sciences Lect. Selin Kalabaş said, “Cyberbullying is one of the most common problems seen ...

Social referencing and emotional responsiveness with infants and toddlers
'Social referencing and emotional responsiveness with infants and toddlers

Prof. Dr. William Mosier member of Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Child Development, gave suggestions to ...

igü news
'Obesity rate in primary school is 9.9%

Stating that obesity ranks second after smoking among the preventable deaths, Public Health Specialist Dr. Nurten Elkin stated that the ...

Everyone makes this mistake at home: It can lead to typhoid
'Everyone makes this mistake at home: It can lead to typhoid

Almost everyone consumes it by cooking during the day and reheating it the next day. Stating that this situation triggered ...

Those who are considering starting a family early find it difficult to succeed in young adulthood
'Those who are considering starting a family early find it difficult to succeed in young adulthood

Stating that starting a family very early makes it difficult to be successful in young adulthood, Psychologist Asst. Prof. Dr. ...

Students commemorate 18 March with a group exhibition
'Students commemorate 18 March with a group exhibition

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) students commemorate the 18 March Martyrs' Day and the 106th anniversary of the Çanakkale Naval Victory ...

igü news
'A Talk About Raising Awareness on 14 March Medicine Day was Held

Under the chairmanship of the Child Development (TR) Department and Assist. Prof. Dr. Nurten ELKİN “14 March Medicine Day” event ...

igü news
'World universities ready for the rankings

Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking 2021, the world university ranking agency, received more than 1200 applications this year. In ...

igü news
'Negligence does more harm than physical abuse

Speaking about the effect of the relationship with babies on the baby's brain, Prof. Dr. William Mosier said that chronic ...

igü news
'Statement on March 8 event: "25% of women are still illiterate”

Prof. Dr. Ayşe Yüksel, Chairman of the Association in Support of Contemporary Life (ÇYDD), met with university students and academicians ...

Infant and toddler interactions with adults: The role of language in social development
'Infant and toddler interactions with adults: The role of language in social development

Prof. Dr. William Mosier member of Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Child Development, gave suggestions to ...

Human resource management is changing with technology
'Human resource management is changing with technology

Stating that artificial intelligence technologies and applications have started to change the job description of the human resources field, Asst. ...

igü news
'Women are mostly employed in the education and health sector

According to YÖK data, the number of female academicians increased by 13% from 67 thousand 578 to 76 thousand 668 ...

Negligence does more harm than physical abuse
'Negligence does more harm than physical abuse

Speaking about the effect of the relationship with babies on the baby's brain, Prof. Dr. William Mosier said that chronic ...

igü news
'The Childhood Obesity Is Increasing Every Day As An Important Public Health Problem
igü news
'Obesity and overweight are also associated with serious psychiatric disorders.

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (HSF) Department of Child Development (TR) faculty member Assist. Prof. Dr. M. ...

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'Preparation of Course Materials in Distance Education
igü news

Faculty of Health Science Academic Board was held online with the participation of Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Nuri Kuruoğlu and ...

Exercise is a non-pharmacological drug that strengthens the immune system
'Exercise is a non-pharmacological drug that strengthens the immune system

Stating that exercise plays a major role in strengthening the immune system, Physiotherapist Çağıl Ertürk said: “Exercise practices we do ...

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'Positive effects of vaccines on society
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'"Cyber bullying" also increased with the pandemic

During the epidemic process, it was determined that the rate of exposure to cyberbullying increased in parallel with the increase ...

igü news
'The number of cited publications reached 21 thousand 690

Evaluating the University Monitoring and Evaluation Report for the year 2019 announced by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), Prof. ...

The impact of stress on infant brain development
'The impact of stress on infant brain development

Prof. Dr. William Mosier member of Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Child Development, in his article ...

igü news
'University students voted: 'Gökmen' should be used instead of astronaut

After President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's announcement of the National Space Program, people from all walks of life showed interest in ...

igü news
''High School Winter Academy' hosted nearly a thousand students from 27 countries

The High School Winter Academies organized by the universities in order to direct the future career choices of prospective students ...

Consumer psychology has been studied; Shopping for pleasure gives happiness
'Consumer psychology has been studied; Shopping for pleasure gives happiness

The results of the survey conducted with consumers aged 18 and over who shop online were shared. Speaking about the ...

igü news
'"Sustainability in Early Childhood Development and Education" seminar was held.

The seminar on "Sustainability in Early Childhood Development and Education" organized by Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences ...

Developmentally appropriate practices: How to respond to temper tantrums in young children
'Developmentally appropriate practices: How to respond to temper tantrums in young children

Prof. Dr. William Mosier member of İstanbul Gelişim University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Child Development said "Temper tantrums ...

ART/icle: Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi yayın hayatına başladı
'ART/icle: Journal of Art and Design started its publication life

ART/icle: The Journal of Art and Design aims to create a sharing and discussion environment among scientists conducting research in ...

igü news
'Infectious diseases and vaccines course was held online by Assist.Prof.Dr. Nurten ELKİN at the High School Winter Academy 21.

High School Winter Academy 21' with a faculty with successful knowledge and experience in the field, where high school students ...

igü news
'The conversation on "Time After Pandemic" was held

Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (SBF) Vice Dean Dr. Lecturer A. Yüksel BARUT, within the scope of ...

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'Faculty of Health Sciences January bulletin published

In this issue of the Bulletin published by the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences (SBF) of Istanbul Gelişim ...

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''High School Winter Academy' starts

Istanbul Gelisim University announced that the "High School Winter Academy" will be held online between 1 and 5 February this ...

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'Special scholarship program applications for university candidates have started

Applications for "Come To Gelisim", a special scholarship program offered by Istanbul Gelisim University, started on January 15, for students ...

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'Warning to parents from the expert: Read the same books as your children

Speaking at the event organized by the Istanbul Fuat Sezgin Science and Art Center within the framework of the "Parent ...

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'Virtual Tour of Museums in Game and Game Materials Course

In the course titled “Game and Game Materials”, faculty member Buse Kerigan made a virtual tour to the toy museums ...

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'University students' exhibition can be visited in virtual environment

The students of the University carried their art exhibitions, which they regularly open every year, to the virtual environment this ...

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'I am Listening to My Future Profession From Graduate Students

Kübra Yılmaz, one of our graduates, participated in the "I Listen to My Future Profession from Graduates" event moderated by ...

igü news
'Patent reports of universities; financial support is important

Evaluating 'Turkey's patent Map Report' Prof. Dr. Haluk Selim said that Istanbul University, Istanbul Gelişim University and Istanbul Technical University ...

'Support for young people's work in technology and artificial intelligence

It was decided to sign a cooperation protocol between Bahçelievler District National Education Directorate and Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) in ...

'Patent reports of universities; financial support is important

Evaluating 'Turkey's patent Map Report' Prof. Dr. Haluk Selim said that Istanbul University, Istanbul Gelişim University and Istanbul Technical University ...

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'Distance education supported student-centered education

Saying that distance education experienced with the coronavirus epidemic supports the student-centered education model, Asst. Prof. Dr. Derya Kavgaoğlu said: ...

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'Trust in education under the guarantee of higher education

Stating that education and certification programs are indispensable for personal development and business life, Abdülkadir Gayretli said: “Choose a specialized ...

igü news
'IGU is among the top 300 in "QS EECA 2021"

Istanbul Gelisim University is ranked among the top 300 universities in the "QS EECA 2021" ranking. Ranked 58th in the ...
