Dr. Deniz YILDIZ said ‘’Technology addiction can be defined as frequent and obsessive technology-related behavior increasingly practiced despite negative consequences to the user of the technology. Technology addictions can be listed as social media addiction, mobile phone addiction, online gaming addiction, television and internet addiction’’.
Among the reasons for technology addiction, the lack of knowledge about the current process and its consequences, individual difficulties, the idea of proving oneself via the Internet rather than through real-life accomplishments, the influence of the technology addicted peer group, and the structure of technology leading to addiction can be listed.
During pandemic; technology addiction has increased as a result of the increase of communication established on the internet, the increase in the use of internet as a source of information and the use of technological tools as an object of relaxation in an atmosphere of uncertainty.
Technology is very useful when it is used responsibly, safely, consciously, for purposes and for a limited period of time. However, if using technology causes dysfunctionality, if technology is used in an uncontrolled way or for long periods, technology addiction can be mentioned. Technology addiction has many negative effects in psychological, physical, cognitive and social areas.
Dr. Yıldız
said ‘’To prevent technology abuse and addiction; there are important points to follow such as protecting family time, talking to the child about the characters they like in online games or movies, to discuss about the possible role models, raising awareness on the addictive structure of technology, having rules in the home and following them, encouraging children to take responsibility … It is also suggested to include additional activities in child’s life and to be physically active. In this context, in situations where difficulties are encountered, it is necessary to consult a child and adolescent psychiatrist without delay and before the problem gets bigger. ‘’