İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Child Development (Master) (Non Thesis)

 21 March World Down Syndrome Day: Time to Appreciate Differences

Down syndrome is one of the most common genetic differences in humans and is a genetic condition that occurs as a result of the presence of an extra chromosome (chromosome 21) in an individual's cells. In other words, individuals with Down syndrome have 3 21st chromosomes. For this reason, the United Nations recognizes March 21 as World Down Syndrome Day.

Down Syndrome does not discriminate based on country, nationality or socioeconomic level. The only factor known to cause Down Syndrome is gestational age; advancing gestational age increases the risk. It is seen on average in every 800 births and there are approximately 6 million individuals with Down Syndrome worldwide. Down syndrome can usually be diagnosed before birth. It can be diagnosed by chromosome analysis during routine prenatal screenings. After diagnosis, the support process for individuals with Down syndrome requires a multidisciplinary approach. This approach includes medical, educational, and psychosocial support providers. Early intervention programs, special education and rehabilitation services, health check-ups and family support groups play an important role in improving the quality of life of individuals with Down syndrome.
Down syndrome can cause differences in various physical and cognitive characteristics in an individual's development. Individuals with Down syndrome may often have characteristic facial features, low muscle tone, and delays in cognitive development. This may lead to some differences in mental and physical development. However, these differences do not limit an individual's life value or potential. Individuals with Down syndrome, like everyone else, can lead meaningful and productive lives. In this context, Down Syndrome Day is held every year on the 21st of March in order to increase the level of awareness and understanding in society about the lives of individuals with Down syndrome. This day aims to support and include individuals born with a genetic condition such as Down Syndrome by enriching the social perspective on their lives. It aims for society to better understand, support and accept the lives and rights of individuals with Down Syndrome. In order to make all these purposes visible, World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated every year in many countries by wearing colorful socks on the feet, based on the fact that chromosomes resemble socks in shape. This is actually a visible way of saying that we are all different, we are not afraid of differences and we embrace our differences. Facilitating acceptance of differences can make it possible for these individuals to take a more visible place in society and to be more socially and economically included in life through the implementation of policies that encourage diversity in workplaces and educational institutions. For all these reasons, World Down Syndrome Day offers an opportunity for all of us to make individuals with Down Syndrome and their needs more visible and to show them how valuable they are to everyone, and we celebrate this day with excitement every year. We love them very much for the added value they offer to the world.
Asst. Prof. Deniz YILDIZ
Head of Language and Speech Therapy Department
Department of Child Development