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Psikoloji (Yüksek Lisans) (Tezli)


Instagram has various effects on out psychological health and behaviours. However, it is still a new subject to the research field and there is not a huge literature about it. Research Asisstant D. Nihal Carikci tried to explain what has found about the subject and what should we do about it.

            Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter have become a big part of our lives for a while. Especially during the pandemic period, I think that this rate of use has increased considerably. People use social media sites for variant purposes such as communicating, sharing information, getting informed, expanding their circle and sharing their personal photos with family, friends or others they do not know in person (Hwnag, 2019). According to Whiting and Williams, the main reasons for individuals to use social media are social interaction, information seeking, spending time, entertainment, relaxation and communication (2013). Among these social media channels, the sharing network that has marked the last period and has more than 1 billion monthly active users is Instagram (Constine, 2018). The number of studies on the effects of Instagram on psychological well-being, health and behavior is not as high as those on Facebook, but many studies have revealed different and remarkable results. At this point, it is worth emphasizing that the subject is still new and it is an area that is recommended to be researched.
On social media sites such as Instagram, users present a piece of their life to other users by posting statuses, photos or different posts, but we can say that these posts are generally ideal images rather than pure reality. This affects individuals' self-perceptions, that is, how they see themselves (Hwnag, 2019). Studies show that individuals exposed to ideal images compare themselves with these people and have a desire to be like them (Penelope & Ziva, 1997). It is found that spending a lot of time on social media sites and engaging in various activities such as sharing posts or adding new friends lowers users' self-esteem levels (Wayment & Taylor, 1995). In addition, it was revealed by Hwnag's research that exposure to visuals of others living better lives elicits depressive feelings (2019). According to the study of Dobrean and Pasarelu, spending more than 2 hours a day on social media sites such as Instagram triggers stress, anxiety and depression (2016). The term "Influencer", a concept that has entered our lives with Instagram, is used for individuals who have the power to influence people's purchasing decisions due to their location, number of followers and relationships (Marketing, 2020). These people often draw life profiles that many people cannot access through their posts (sharings), and the effects of these people on the psychological well-being of individuals have not been researched much yet and is actually an open subject to research (Burnell, George and Underwood, 2020).
The use of Instagram also has positive effects on the sense of belongingness and social acceptance, especially among the youth (Mackson, Brochu, & Schneider, 2019). Considering all the aforementioned, I can recommend you to review your usage times accordingly, considering how much time you spend on these social sites such as Instagram and how it affects you.
Res. Ass. Dilara Nihal Carikci
Department of Psychology (English)
Burnell, K., George, M. J., & Underwood, M. K. (2020). Browsing different Instagram profiles and associations with psychological well-being. Frontiers in Human Dynamics2(6).
Constine J (2018) Instagram hits 1 billion monthly users, up from 800M in September. Available at:
Dobrean A and Pasarelu CR (2016) Impact of social media on social anxiety: a systematic review. New Developments in Anxiety Disorders 7: 129–149.
Hwnag, H. S. (2019). Why Social Comparison on Instagram Matters: Its impact on Depression. TIIS13(3), 1626-1638.
Mackson, S. B., Brochu, P. M., & Schneider, B. A. (2019). Instagram: Friend or foe? The application’s association with psychological well-being. New Media & Society21(10), 2160-2182.
Marketing, I. (2020). What is an influencer.
L. Penelope,K. Ziva, “Superstars and me: Predicting the impact of role models on the self”, Journal of personality and social psychology, Vol .73,no.1,pp.91-103,1997.
H. Wayment, & S. Taylor, “Self-evaluation processes: motives, information use, and self-esteem,” Journal of Personality, vol. 63, pp. 729-757, December 1995. Article (CrossRef Link).
Whiting A and Williams D (2013) Why people use social media: a uses and gratifications approach. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 16(4): 362–369.