İnstitute of Graduate Studies -
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 İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Sociology (Master) (Thesis)

Sesini Duyan Var
'Dr. Diler Ezgi TARHAN spoke at the panel titled ‘There is someone who hears your voice!’

Dr. Diler Ezgi TARHAN participated as an invited speaker in the panel titled ‘There is someone who hears your voice!’ ...

'Visit to the "Human Rights - The Ones That Are / The Ones That Are Not" Exhibition!
kulüp ziyareti
'A Visit to the Nursing Home from the Sociology Club!
'Addiction Seminar was Held with Terra Children's Education and Counseling Association!
panel afişi
'II. Department of Sociology Student Panel: Discover Your Love Language!

II. Department of Sociology Student Panel: Discover Your Love Language will be held on December 20, 2024 at 11:00 in ...

Seminer Fotoğrafı
'Creating Change with Social Responsibility Seminar was Held

The seminar titled "Creating Change with Social Responsibility" was held under the leadership of IGU Sociology Department, IGU Social Work ...

Dernek Logo
'Department of Sociology Signed an External Stakeholder Protocol with Terra Children's Education Consultancy Association
' Asst. Prof. Raheb Mohammadi Gharbarlou Performed a Paper Presentation
Reflektif Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
'Our Department Res. Asst. Aysun Körlü Topan's article and the podcast in which she talked about her article have been published!

Our Department Res. Asst. Aysun Körlü Topan's article titled “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Concepts of Death and ...

'Mukhtar Avezov Visit to the Department of Sociology from our Doctoral Students of South Kazakhstan University!

Within the scope of the protocol and cooperation agreement signed between Istanbul Gelim University and Mukhtar Avezov South Kazakhstan University, ...

kütüphane ziyareti
'PhD Mukhtar Avezov in Sociology at South Kazakhstan University and Dean Prof. Dr. Kamil Kaya paid a visit to the library!

Within the scope of the protocol and cooperation agreement signed between Istanbul Gelim University and Mukhtar Avezov South Kazakhstan University, ...

'Our Faculty Members of Özlem Derin Sağlam and Fikriye Gözde Mocan's book interview!

Our Faculty Members are Özlem Derin Sağlam and Fikriye Gözde Mocan, a member of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, ...

Yapay Zeka
'Our Department is Asst. Prof. Özlem Derin Sağlam's new book has been published!

Our Department is Asst. Prof. Özlem Derin Sağlam's "Labyrinth: Is Artificial Intelligence a Cure or a Dead End? his book ...

10. Milletlerarası Türk Halk Kültürü Kongresi
'10. The International Turkish Folk Culture Congress was Organized!

Organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism "10. The International Congress of Turkish Folk Culture" was held in Ankara ...

X. The National Sociology Congress was held at Galatasaray University.
'X. The National Sociology Congress was held at Galatasaray University.
The conference entitled Social Movements: The Case of Iran was held.
'The conference entitled Social Movements: The Case of Iran was held.