İnstitute of Graduate Studies -
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 İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Nutrition And Dietetics (Master) (Non Thesis)

 Among the world universities: IGU is in THE World Universities Field Ranking!

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) achieved a significant success at the international level by ranking in the 1001-1200 band in the Times Higher Education (THE) World Universities Ranking in 2025. IGU has achieved another significant success in two different categories by appearing for the first time in THE World Universities Subject Rankings list. IGU succeeded in being represented in the rankings for the first time in THE World Universities Field Ranking 2025. The Universtity was in the 601-800 band in the Business and Economics category and in the 501-600 band in the Social Sciences category.

IGU is in the top 10 among Turkish universities!

Continuing its activities with the vision of "World University", Istanbul Gelisim University, London-based international higher education rating agency Times Higher Education (THE) has achieved great success by ranking in the top 500 in the field of Research Quality in THE World Universities Ranking for 2025 and in the 1001-1200 band in the general ranking. 

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