İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Visual Communication Design (Master) (Thesis)

 Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Fine Arts came together with Istanbul Governor's Office for New Projects!

Republic of Turkey Istanbul Governorship Communications Consultant Prof. Dr. Ergün Yolcu and Istanbul Gelişim University Faculty of Fine Arts Dean Prof. Dr. Şükran Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp came together for new projects.

Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF) Dean Şükran Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp has started working on projects that will be beneficial to our university and our students and will take them further. Last week, Istanbul Gelişim University Faculty of Fine Arts Dean Şükran Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp met with the Republic of Turkey Istanbul Governorship Communications Consultant Ergün Yolcu to discuss joint projects. Collaborations, student protocols, projects, competitions, and activities that can be carried out with the relevant departments of our university were discussed during the meeting. In the future, issues regarding what can be done in cooperation with the Istanbul Governorship of the Republic of Turkey and Istanbul Gelisim University Fine Arts Faculty were discussed.
We, as Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF) Communication and Design Department, expressed our great pleasure in meeting with the Communications Consultant of the Republic of Turkey, Istanbul Governorship, Ergün Yolcu, for future collaborations and hope that the projects will be realized as soon as possible.