Language, Thought and Literature Club, operating under the umbrella of İstanbul Gelişim University (İGU) Department of Turkish Language and Literature, held an interview event with the well-known author Turhan Yıldırım. The event, titled "Interview with Writer Turhan Yıldırım on his Narrative
Modern Soslu Postmodern Makarna", was held on 31.05.2024 between 14:30-16:00 at K-Blok Firnas Auditorium. Academicians of IGU Turkish Language and Literature Department, members of the Language, Thought and Literature Club, department students and department graduates attended the event. At the event moderated by Language, Thought and Literature Club advisor Assoc. Prof. Şerefnur Atik, Turhan Yıldırım talked about his works and his writing adventure, especially his narrative titled
Modern Soslu Postmodern Makarna. Yıldırım also talked about “Authorship” and “How to write?” He conveyed his knowledge and experience under the main headings. The event ended after the author answered the questions from the participants.