İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Sociology (Master) (Thesis)

 February Issue of SosyoCom Published

Techno-Agenda, Eco-Agenda, New Professions, Culture-Arts-Literature, SosyoCom Raf, Education-Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Political Agenda, Health-Psychology, Socio-Agenda, Socialization Time and Academic Life in the February issue of SosyoCom chapters were included.

Click  to read the February issue of SosyoCom, our faculty's monthly event and newsletter.

Techno-Agenda, Eco-Agenda, New Professions, Culture-Arts-Literature, SosyoCom Raf, Education-Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Political Agenda, Health-Psychology, Socio-Agenda, Socialization Time and Academic Life in the February issue of SosyoCom chapters were included.

Click  to read the February issue of SosyoCom, our faculty's monthly event and newsletter.

Techno-Agenda, Eco-Agenda, New Professions, Culture-Arts-Literature, SosyoCom Raf, Education-Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Political Agenda, Health-Psychology, Socio-Agenda, Socialization Time and Academic Life in the February issue of SosyoCom chapters were included.

Click  to read the February issue of SosyoCom, our faculty's monthly event and newsletter.