İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Security Studies (Master) (Thesis)

 E-BOOK: "VII. International Middle East Symposium: Political and Social Stability in the Middle East (May 10-11th, 2022, Online): Proceedings"

The Middle Eastern region’s political, economic, and social dynamism encourages Istanbul Gelisim University, driven by the importance it attaches to regional studies, to organize symposiums each year where different problems related to the Middle East are debated from an academic perspective. This year the theme of the 7th International Symposium of the Middle East was “Political and Social Stability in the Middle East” and it was held online on May 10-11, 2022.
In this symposium, researchers from such as Turkey, the USA, Algeria, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Iraq, Jordan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Bangladesh, and India participated and presented their papers in Turkish, English and Arabic languages. These papers have been published by IGU Press with the title of "VII. International Middle East Symposium: Political and Social Stability in the Middle East (May 10-11th, 2022, Online): Proceedings".
To access the symposium proceedings, please click on the link:
Book Title: VII. International Middle East Symposium: Political and Social Stability in the Middle East (May 10-11th, 2022, Online): Proceedings
Editors: Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre GÜNDOĞDU, Res. Asst. Yunus TURAN
Cover design: Merve Gül ŞEKEM
Publication date: 2022
Pages: xx, 291 p.
e-ISBN: 978-605-4827-94-7
IGU Press: 100