İnstitute of Graduate Studies -
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 İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Public Relations And Publicity (Master) (Non Thesis)

 A talk on "Persuasive Communication" will be held with Prof. Dr. Sevimece Karadoğan Doruk.

Prof. Dr. Sevimece Karadoğan Doruk will be the guest of the talk "Persuasive Communication" to be organized by the Department of Public Relations and Publicity of the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences.

The event, moderated by our faculty member Dr. Sezgin Savaş, will take place on Thursday, 25.03.2021, at 14:00. Prof. Dr. Sevimece Karadoğan Doruk, Head of Public Relations and Publicity Department of Istanbul University Faculty of Communication, will attend the event as a guest.

Event participation link:

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