İnstitute of Graduate Studies -
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 İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Political Science And Public Administration (English) (Master) (Thesis)

 Istanbul Gelisim University Academics Listed in the “Best Scientists” List

Dear Academicians and Students,, one of the world's leading research and academia portals, has announced the list of the "Best Scientists" of the world and countries.
Among the valuable academicians of our university, in the list prepared on the basis of the studies created by scientists in their own fields;
-Istanbul Gelisim University Rector Prof. Dr. Bahri Şahin is 17th among 47 scientists from Turkey and 4020th in the world in the field of Engineering and Technology.
Prof. from the Faculty of Dentistry. Dr. Kemal Sıtkı Türker is 4th among 6 scientists from Turkey and 5870 in the world.
-Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Dr. Instructor Its member Festus Victor was the only scientist from Turkey to be ranked in the field of Economics and Finance, and was ranked 1183 in the world.
We congratulate our esteemed academicians who successfully represent our university and our country; We wish you continued success.