İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Political Science And International Relations (Master) (Non Thesis)

 Stepping Up Assistance to Venezuelans Crossing Chile's Inhospitable Northern Border

Rebeca Cenalmor-Rejas -Head of UN Refugee Agency’s (UNHCR) National Office in Chile- said on thursday that The UN Refugee Agency has increased its presence and assistance in the South American country in order to meet the urgent needs of Venezuelans who have walked to Chile's northern border.

Cenalmor-Rejas said that “pregnant women, children, adolescents and the elders need immediate medical support throughout the travel on foot”. It has been reported by local authorities that an average of 450 refugees and migrants from Venezuela cross Bolivia-Chile border every day. Cenalmor-Rejas also stressed that UNHCR is strengthening its assistance to support national, regional and local authorities at the northern border in providing secure access and amending reception conditions. Chile is home to an estimated 448,100 migrants and refugees from Venezuela as of today.

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