İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

New Media, Communication And Journalism (Master) (Thesis)

 Student Short Film Festivals to Apply in April

Student film festivals which will be held in the coming months and whose applications end in April are waiting for applications from students.

The theme of this year's National Topkapı Student Film Festival was announced as "the other". Films to be submitted must be no more than 20 minutes long. Deadline: April 18, 2022
In the 20th International Student Film Festival organized by Konya Selçuk University Faculty of Communication, the films that participated in the competition in the fields of fiction, documentary, experimental and animation and passed the pre-selection will be screened and the films will compete. Deadline for Application: 29 April 2022.
From Captivity to Courage Short Film Competition awaits studies that will raise awareness of climate change and its effects. The awards will be given in the categories of drama, animation and documentary. Deadline for Application: 30 April 2022.
Having studied at associate and undergraduate level in Turkey, T.C. There is no theme requirement in the 3rd Sineculture Short Film Competition, which is open to applications from university students. Films whose duration does not exceed 30 minutes can be submitted to the competition. Deadline: April 10, 2022