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 İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

New Media, Communication And Journalism (Master) (Thesis)

 Documentary Director Ertuğrul Karslıoğlu was a guest at the Conversation with the Masters

Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, guest of the Interview with the Masters event was Ertuğrul Karslıoğlu, the doyen of documentary cinema. The interview, held online on 30 March 2021, was moderated by Radio, Television and Cinema Department Head Assoc. Dr. Remziye Köse Özelçi.

Master director Ertuğrul Karslıoğlu, who has been devoted to documentary cinema for many years, made valuable contributions to how documentary cinema should be based on his own documentary film experiences during the event. Stating that he has been trying to make documentary films since 1976, Karslıoğlu emphasized that the purpose of the documentary is to reveal the truth. Stating that Anatolia has many undiscovered cultures and values, the master director stated that a documentary filmmaker should reveal these unexplored areas that Anatolia hosts. Carrying out documentary studies in Erzurum, Urfa, Gaziantep, Mardin and many other cities, Karslıoğlu, as a director who has worked on documentary films in Anatolia for many years, conveyed many details about the research process of a documentary, the problems that may be encountered during the shooting, the fineness of communication with the local people. The director, who also stated that a documentary filmmaker should not look at the world with blinders, emphasized that if a documentary is viewed with blinders, it will be propaganda, not a documentary. According to Karslioglu, a documentary director should be impartial and objective.

Referring to various types of documentary filmmaking, the director stated that not every shot made with the interview technique, which has been widespread in recent years, does not have a documentary value and stated that writing texts with an interview is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. Karslıoğlu emphasized the value of the documentary, especially for the youth of today not to break away from their past and not to shift to an asocial area with new communication technologies. The event ended after Karslıoğlu, who shared his valuable opinions with both his trainer and director identity, answered the questions of the participants.