İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

New Media, Communication And Journalism (Master) (Thesis)

 19th Akbank Short Film Festival

The Akbank Short Film Festival, which started its activities in 2004 for the first time, will be held for the 19th time this year. The jury members of the national competition of the festival, which will take place between May 2 and May 12, 2023, include her play Ekin Koç and Beren Saat, director Umut Aral, Editor Ali Aga and Akbank Art Manager Derya Bigalı. Akbank Short Film Festival, to which a total of 2237 short films from various countries of the world and Turkey applied, will be held at the "Festival Shorts", "Shorts from the World", "From Short to Long", "Experiences", "Documentary Cinema", "Perspective, "Special Screening" and "Special Screenings". It consists of eight sections.
Click for detailed information about the festival.