İnstitute of Graduate Studies -
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 İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

New Media, Communication And Journalism (Master) (Thesis)

 12 Punto Script Days Continue

12 Punto, Turkey's largest scenario development and co-production platform, continues to organize events with the leading names of the world cinema industry. The events that started on June 22 will continue until June 29.

Within the program organized by 12 Punto, film screenings, masterclasses, interviews and panels are held with the contributions of participants from 9 different countries. Leading names of cinema, such as Tamara Kovestska, the director of the Honeyland documentary, which won important awards last year, and Rebecca O'Brien, the producer of Ken Loach films, will take part in the event. In addition to the events held in Istanbul Feriye, "12 Punto Special" broadcast every evening at 19:00 on TRT 2 channel meets the audience. The program includes interviews with 12 Punto finalists, and masteclasses with directors and producers from Turkey. In addition, the program "12 Punto Film Hour" is broadcast on TRT 2 every evening at 20:00.

For detailed information about 12 Punto Scenario Days;