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 İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Economics And Finance (Phd)

 Basic Time Series-Training for Female Researchers Ended

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences (İİSBF), Head of International Trade and Management Department Assoc. Dr. The "Time Series Training for Women Researchers-1" project led by Gülgün Çiğdem ended on March 12, 2023. The “Time Series Training for Women Researchers-1” project has been prepared for female researchers who are continuing their master's, or doctoral education in any sub-field of Social Sciences or working as research assistants at state or foundation universities by making positive discrimination against gender inequality. The project aimed to increase the quality and number of scientific studies of women researchers.

Researchers from various cities in Turkey participated in this training on various topics such as introduction to time series analysis, time series processes, stationarity and unit root tests, spurious regression and cointegration tests, long-term coefficient estimators, VAR-VECM models, and impulse response functions. Aycan Hepsag, Assoc. Dr. Onur Ozdemir, Dr. Instructor They had the opportunity to learn together with valuable names such as its member Başak Özarslan Doğan. Project manager Assoc. Dr. Gülgün Çiğdem stated that women researchers should always advance on the path of science and informed that this training will continue with a new Tubitak project.