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 İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Civil Engineering (Master) (Thesis)

 Career Development Academies for High School Students

Career Development Academies for High School Students

Istanbul Gelisim University is organizing a series of free online seminars aimed at raising awareness on career planning and personal development for high school students.

        Friday, December 27, 2024

  • 17:00: Akrep ve Yelkovan: Zamanımı Yönetebiliyor Muyum?
    Asst. Prof. Asli Kaya
  • 18:00: Motivasyon Eğitimleri: Psikolojik İyi Oluş
    Asst. Prof. Kamala Khalinbayli

Participation in the seminars is completely free, and you can register by scanning the QR code.