İnstitute of Graduate Studies -
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Civil Engineering (English) (Master) (Thesis)

 TUBITAK Support for Our Depertmant Members

The TÜBİTAK 1002 project, led by Assist. Prof. Dr. Hamit ÖZTÜRK and researched by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anıl NİŞ, has had its Final Report accepted.

The project titled "The Effect of Single and Hybrid Nanomaterial Usage on the Mechanical and Durability Performance of Geopolymer Composites and Fractal Crack Characterization with the Aid of Three-Dimensional Tomography", led by our faculty member Assist. Prof. Dr. Hamit ÖZTÜRK and with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anıl NİŞ as a researcher, has been accepted under the TUBITAK 1002.

The project team also includes external contributors Prof. Dr. Savaş ERDEM and Assist. Prof. Dr. Ezgi GÜRBÜZ from Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, who have provided valuable contributions to the study.

This research aims to develop innovative approaches in advanced material technologies and sustainable construction materials by analyzing the effects of single and hybrid nanomaterial additives on the mechanical and durability performance of geopolymer composites. Additionally, a detailed characterization of fractal cracks is planned using three-dimensional tomography technology.

We congratulate our esteemed academics and wish them continued success in their work.