Assoc. Prof. Anıl NİŞ, a faculty member of the Civil Engineering Department, supervised his Ph.D. student Taha Salah Wahhab AL-ANTAKI, who successfully defended his dissertation titled “Pomza İkameli Geopolimer Harçların Dayanım ve Durabilite Performanslarının İncelenmesi” and graduated.
The dissertation investigated the mechanical strength and durability performance of alkali-activated mortars containing different proportions of basaltic pumice powder combined with fly ash and slag. The study evaluated the performance of these mortars under varying NaOH concentrations, curing durations, high temperatures, and acid-sulfate exposures. The findings revealed that while the addition of pumice improved the durability properties of the mortars, it could reduce their mechanical strength. Furthermore, an increase in NaOH concentration and extended curing durations were found to have a positive impact on the strength of the mortars.
We congratulate Assoc. Prof. Anıl NİŞ and Taha Salah Wahhab AL-ANTAKI on this achievement and wish them continued success in their academic endeavors.