İnstitute of Graduate Studies -
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 İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Civil Engineering (English) (Master) (Thesis)

 A New Article by Asst. Prof. Ahmad Reshad NOORI, Assoc. Prof. Suleiman KHATRUSH and Res. Assist. Bilge Sultan DEMİRTAŞ Has Been Published!

Our Civil Engineering Department Head, Asst. Prof. Ahmad Reshad NOORI, faculty member Assoc. Prof. Suleiman KHATRUSH, and research assistant Res. Asst. Bilge Sultan DEMİRTAŞ co-authored the article titled “Static Analysis of Laterally Loaded Piles by Complementary Functions Method”, which has been published in the Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Journal of Engineering Sciences.

Our Civil Engineering Department Head, Asst. Prof. Ahmad Reshad NOORI, faculty member Assoc. Prof. Suleiman KHATRUSH, and research assistant Res. Asst. Bilge Sultan DEMİRTAŞ co-authored the article titled “Static Analysis of Laterally Loaded Piles by Complementary Functions Method”, which has been published in the Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Journal of Engineering Sciences.

In this study, the Complementary Functions Method (CFM) is applied for the static analysis of laterally loaded piles. The canonical equations governing the phenomenon are obtained according to the classic beam theory and simplified to an initial value problem by CFM. The material of the pile is assumed to be isotropic homogeneous, and the geometrical properties in the cross-section are considered uniform. The spring model representing the soil behavior is taken as linear and nonlinear. The effect of boundary conditions on displacements and internal forces is investigated by solving pile problems as free- and fixed-head. The effect of the values of the lateral bearing coefficient and the bearing constant for sandy soils on the flexural behavior of laterally loaded piles is presented parametrically. The obtained results are compared with the results of previous studies and found to be in agreement.

We congratulate Asst. Prof. Ahmad Reshad NOORI, Assoc. Prof. Suleiman KHATRUSH, and Res. Asst. Bilge Sultan DEMİRTAŞ on their valuable contribution and wish them continued success.