İnstitute of Graduate Studies -
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 İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Civil Engineering (English) (Master) (Non Thesis)

 Asst. Prof. Hamit ÖZTÜRK's Master's Student Graduated!

Master's student Hazar İbrahim ÇULHACİOĞLU graduated by defending his thesis.

Asst. Prof. Hamit ÖZTÜRK, a faculty member of the Civil Engineering Department, supervised his master’s student Hazar İbrahim ÇULHACİOĞLU, who successfully defended his thesis titled “Farklı Oranlarda Nano Alüminyum İçerikli Geopolimer Harçların Mikro Yapı ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi” and graduated.
The thesis focused on investigating the effects of 1% and 2% nano-aluminum additions on the mechanical properties of alkali-activated mortars produced with 50% ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) and 50% F-type fly ash. Sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide were used as alkali activators, with a sodium silicate-to-hydroxide ratio of 2.5 and a molarity of 14M. Mechanical properties such as compressive strength, flexural strength, and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) were examined at 28, 56, and 90 days. The results showed that nano-aluminum additions improved compressive and flexural strength and increased compactness, as indicated by UPV values.

We congratulate Asst. Prof. Hamit ÖZTÜRK and Hazar İbrahim ÇULHACİOĞLU on this achievement and wish them continued success in their academic endeavors.