Event opening speech Child Development (TR) Department Head Dr. Instructor It was made by its member Nurten Elkin and an article was read from the “Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child”. To our activity; Our Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Assist. Prof. Abdullah Yüksel Barut and Assoc. Dr. Arda Öztürkcan participated and read articles from the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Child Development (TR) department faculty member Prof. Dr. Makbule Merit Ari, Prof. Dr. Arif Önder, Assist. Prof.Talat Sarıkavak, Lec. Buse Kerigan, Lec. Bedriye Çelik, Lec.Selin Kalabas, Res. Ass. Hatice Zelal Bingöl participated.
Posters, hand banners, visual materials, photo frames and boards prepared by the students were hung in the event area. In order to raise awareness among the students in the faculty, the articles of the “Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child” were written and distributed to all students. In accordance with the meaning and importance of the day, information about the World Children's Rights Day was given in the event. World Children's Rights Day is a universal day celebrated on 20 November every year. The idea that children have different physical, physiological, behavioral and psychological characteristics from adults, that they constantly grow and develop, that the care of children is a social problem and that everyone should take this responsibility with scientific approaches has been shaped by the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child.
This declaration, which was prepared on November 20, 1959, in order to guarantee the rights of the child in international law, was unanimously accepted in the United Nations General Assembly in 1989 as the "United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child". Since this date, the basic legal text regulating children's rights in international law is the "United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child". This convention, which was ratified by 193 states in total, was accepted by Turkey in 1994, and it was put into effect as a law in 1995. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which consists of fifty-four articles, emphasizing that all children have the same rights and that all rights are equally important, consists of four parts, each of which summarizes a separate right. Rights are “right to survive”, “right to development”,
Right to Survive:It refers to the child's right to life and the basic needs necessary for survival. Nutrition, shelter, adequate standard of living and benefiting from health services fall into this group.
Right to Development:It outlines what children need to realize their potential. Education, rest, cultural activities, freedom of thought, religion and conscience fall into this group.
Right to Protection:These are the rights that emphasize that children should be protected from all kinds of neglect, abuse and exploitation. Special security for refugee children covers issues such as the protection and rehabilitation of neglected and abused children.
Right to Participate:It means that children take an active role in the society and community to which they belong. These rights include having a say in matters affecting their lives and expressing their own views. With special emphasis on the four articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the basis for the implementation of the other rights in the Convention has been established.