İnstitute of Graduate Studies -
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 İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Child Development (Master) (Thesis)

 Workshops On “Healthy Famıly And Creative Drama In Special Education” Were Organized For Educators

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences, Head of the Department of Child Development and IGU Coordinator for Combating Addiction Asst. Prof. Nurten ELKİN and Lecturer from the Department of Child Development. Lecturer Buse KERİGAN within the scope of Istanbul Education Academies Special Education Workshops, on 08.01.2025 between 17.00 and 19.30 at Şehit Münir Alkan Science High School, “Special Education Workshops: Healthy Family and Creative Drama in Special Education” seminar was held.

Asst. Prof. Nurten ELKİN explained the concepts of health, family health, community health; explained what can be done to protect healthy life and addictions by explaining with case examples what can be done to protect healthy life and addictions, and informed the participants by distributing the “HEALTHY LIFE HANDBOOKS” prepared by IGU Anti-addiction Coordinatorship. Participants' questions were answered.
Lecturer Buse KERİGAN; She talked about the importance of creative drama in special education, its usage areas and its effect on children. Examples of creative drama plans that can be applied with special needs student groups in special education were presented. The drama activities carried out in the workshop consisted of three parts. In Part I, warm-up games and acquaintance activities were carried out in order for the group members to get to know each other and to participate interactively in the process. Within the scope of Part II; drama examples, which are called as the main work, were applied. In Part III, the workshop was finalized by including drama examples within the scope of rest and evaluation.