The Turkish Cancer Research and Warfare Association was established in Ankara in 1947 in order to help cancer patients and their relatives, support cancer-related research, and contribute to the training of physicians in this field . The association has been conducting informative publications and meetings about this disease since its establishment. The first week of April with Cancer Research and War Authority's recommendation was adopted in 1956 as the Fight Against Cancer Week in Turkey; As of this date, the first week of April is referred to as National Cancer Week in our country .
Cancer week is seen as an opportunity to remind about "cancer screening" in common types of cancer, to emphasize that early diagnosis and treatment can be life-saving in cancer, and efforts are made to raise awareness on both issues with the training programs.
Cancer is a common name given to many diseases because of its common features. But the common feature of hundreds of diseases gathered under this heading is; It is the uncontrolled proliferation of cells in our body.

Symptoms of cancer can be summarized in general as follows:
· Breast painless, once a growing audience's palpable handled arrive
· underarms, neck, palpable under the skin in areas such as the groin swelling
without causing any known · weight loss or uptake
· Loss of appetite and fatigue
· nonhealing wounds
· Prolonged hoarseness or cough
· Formation of a new mole (nevus) in the body or changes in existing moles ·
Changes in bowel habits such as diarrhea and constipation
· Difficult or painful urination
· Indigestion after
· Difficulty swallowing
Unexplained night sweats
Bloody urine, irregular menstrual bleeding, bleeding in the nose and gums, blood in the stool
Bleeding under the skin and easy bruising
The reason for these symptoms may not be due to cancer most of the time, but the symptoms last longer than a few weeks require a medical institution and a physician examination. .
Many cancers are likely to cure if diagnosed early and treated appropriately.
Individuals in the society; It is important to know that at least one third of cancer deaths can be prevented by not using tobacco products, ensuring adequate and balanced nutrition, increasing physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding alcohol. In addition, prevention of air pollution, avoiding exposure to sunlight especially between 10:00 and 16:00, and taking protective measures, protection from infectious agents such as cancer-causing HPV and Hepatitis B, and occupational and environmental exposure to carcinogens are also important in protection from cancer.
Early detection of cancer symptoms and referral of patients for further examination increase the chance of early diagnosis. For this reason, it should be aimed to increase the knowledge of the society with early diagnosis programs in cancer and their awareness about early diagnosis should be increased. Early admission to the health institution when individuals encounter symptoms will have very positive results in diagnosis and treatment. Screening programs are carried out for breast, colon and cervical cancers in our country.
Community based cancer screening programs; Cancer Early Diagnosis Screening and Training Centers (KETEM), Community Health Centers (TSM), Healthy Life Centers (SHM) and Family Health Centers (ASM). In our country, screening services are provided free of charge against breast, colon (colorectal) and cervical cancers.
Breast cancer screening; Women between the ages of 40-69 are performed annually by clinical breast examination and by mammography every 2 years.
Cervical cancer screening; All women between the ages of 30 and 65 are screened with HPV-DNA every 5 years, free of charge.
Colorectal (Large Intestine) Cancer Screening; Men and women between the ages of 50-70 are screened by performing a stool occult blood test (GGT) every 2 years and a colonoscopy every 10 years.
Cases found suspicious after every three screening are directed to Post-Screening Diagnosis Centers.
Cancer is an important public health problem as it is the second cause of death after cardiovascular diseases among the deaths whose cause is known in the world and in our country.
The leading factors that cause cancer are 90% environmental factors and 10% genetic factors. When we look at environmental factors, it is alcohol, use of tobacco products, infections, unhealthy diet and obesity; these are preventable causes.
Assist.Prof.Dr. NURTEN ELKİN, a member, concluded his words by saying, '' You should be afraid of being late, not cancer. ''
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