İnstitute of Graduate Studies -
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 İnstitute of Graduate Studies -

Audiology (Master) (Thesis)

 The most effective way to facilitate the social cohesion of autistic individuals: Peer support

The studies, carried out in the last 20 years, put forth the fact that the prevalence of autism over the world increased by 240-fold. Early diagnosis in the autism beginning in the early period of childhood and continuing the lifetime is significantly important. Prof. Dr. Makbule Meziyet Arı from the Istanbul Gelisim University said that the autism indicated itself with some basic problems from the birth of the individual especially within the first 36 months.

The autistic individuals experiencing problems in 3 basic fields, namely, deterioration or impairment in communication, repeated interests and behaviours and deterioration in reciprocal social interaction in general meaning, may also show different symptoms in different age ranges.
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